I am CRAZY about the sisters in my life! I love having them "around." I put that in quotes because as we all know they are not necessarily around me physically speaking. As a matter of fact most of them are not here. I have girls spread across the country. Not all of them are Navy either...they include a Marine's Wife and an Airman's Wife! They all have a special place in my heart.
Today I had several conversations with a few of my girls. (Via phone or Internet) One of them is having some serious health concerns while her husband is deployed, of course! Let's call her "V" for the sake of making it easier! We searched online through TriCare stuff today trying to find "alternative" solutions since prescriptions don't seem to be helping! It was interesting to see exactly what is covered and what isn't! You'd be surprised if you actually took the time to look. Needless to say she isn't left with many options. I hate that she is on one side of the country and I am on the other. There is nothing like pain or illness to get you down in the dumps. She is ALWAYS a "powerhouse" and is having a difficult time adjusting that her physical ability to be so is not there. She is and AWESOME woman! V and her husband played a vital role in our lives for some time while we were stationed together. I honestly question where we would be if we didn't have friends like them that took the time to listen, care and give the best impartial advice they could! If you think of it say an extra prayer for her! I know she would love that. The frustration of no answer and no relief is setting in! I call her and we have a little laugh therapy and talk about silly things along with every day chat!
Then there is my CHICA!!! She has been my friend for....well, I am not sure I want to go there. SO let's just say I don't remember a time in my life where she wasn't a part of it! She has a young son and a gamer husband! It seems the little guy can't get a break. He's had croup, pneumonia and an inner ear infection! We had the "Is it really a big deal when you ask them to clean up their own mess" conversation! Apparently, it is a big deal to him right now. Someone put on their grumpy pants! Then it lead to the typical if you had a REAL job conversation! Some times I wish we could trade places with our spouses. Thank goodness PickupMan gets it. It took him a while but he got it. He always says "She's got the harder job!" I love him for that. But Chica and her hubby got into it about that topic. It's always an interesting topic to me. Some times for military spouses its not worth the time. Why pay someone so that you can work? It is a big debate and I understand that. I see all sides of this story. What I find funny is his work schedule would NOT permit her to have a job right now. Maybe at night but even that would be difficult! She said to me "WHY would I work to pay someone to watch my child?" She gets mommy-breaks. She is knows she needs to take care of her self in that way! She goes to the gym, she has girls nights out, and takes play dates with moms who are close. Plus, she's fairly close to home so she does take the short trip and get some family time! The best is that she is coming to visit this summer! WOO HOO for girly time with one of my besties! The hubbies and kids can hang and we can enjoy just being friends... not mom or wife for a little while(we will have to find some place to go where no one says "MOM!!")!! I am so ready for that!!!
Last but not least I received amazing news! One of my girls is expecting her first baby! WOO HOO! They had been trying to conceive for about three years now! What an awesome blessing! Suppose I have some knitting to do now! SO this was a little bit about a few of my girls! The women in my "family." Honestly love having each one of them as a sister!
Well, my day of running on the treadmill and not getting anywhere is complete! I hate these days they are draining and you really didn't do anything but you did and you are exhausted! lol I'm off to run some more and see how far I don't get! LOL
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Just a Quick Rant
Okay, come on ladies! I know we are all proud of our husbands and want to share our experiences. But let's remember OPSEC rules! If you want to blog information about your sailor then make your blog private!!! Every time you blog something personal about your sailor if he is "on board" or in a port you put not only him but EVERY sailor on that ship/boat in danger! Do you REALLY want to do that?!?!? I see NO reason to specifically name your sailor in your blog! Yes it is wonderful when they call, we get to chat on skype, or get promoted. But do you really want the whole world to know that ET3 Sailor Doe got his promotion while out to sea on the USS ALWAYSGONE?!?!? Really?! Even though you may not mention the name of the ship, it doesn't take much for someone, anyone....including TERRIORIST! They aren't stupid! COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!
Just a Friendly Reminder:
What is OPSEC?Operations Security, or OPSEC, is keeping potential adversaries from discovering our critical information. As the name suggests, it protects our operations – planned, in progress, and those completed. Success depends on secrecy and surprise, so the military can accomplish the mission faster and with less risk. Our adversaries want our information, and they don't concentrate on only sailors to get it. They want you, the family member.
Protecting Critical InformationEven though information may not be secret, it can be what we call "critical information." Critical information deals with specific facts about military intentions, capabilities, operations or activities. If an adversary knew this detailed information, our mission accomplishment and personnel safety could be jeopardized. It must be protected to ensure an adversary doesn't gain a significant advantage. By being a member of the military family, you will often know some bits of critical information.
Do not discuss them outside of your immediate family and especially not over thetelephone.Examples Of Critical Information• Detailed information about the mission of assigned units.• Details on locations and times of unit deployments.• Personnel transactions that occur in large numbers (Example: pay information, powers of attorney, wills, deployment information).• References to trends in unit morale or personnel problems.• Details concerning security procedures.
Puzzle PiecesThese bits of information may seem insignificant. However, to a trained adversary, they are small pieces of a puzzle that highlight what we're doing and planning. Remember, the elements of security and surprise are vital to the accomplishment of our goals and our collective personnel protection.• Where and how you discuss this information is just as important as with whom you discuss it. Adverse agents tasked with collecting information frequently visit some of the same stores, clubs, recreational areas, or places of worship as you do.• Determined individuals can easily collect data from cordless and cellular phones, and even baby monitors, using inexpensive receivers available from local electronics stores.• If anyone, especially a foreign national, persistently seeks information, notify your military sponsor immediately. He or she will notify the unit OPSEC program manager.
What Can You Do?There are many countries and organizations that would like to harm Americans and degrade our influence in the world. It's possible, and not unprecedented, for spouses and family members of U.S. military personnel to be targeted for intelligence collection. This is true in the United States and especially true overseas! What can you do?Be AlertForeign governments and organizations collect significant amounts of useful information by using spies. A foreign agent may use a variety of approaches to befriend someone and get sensitive information. This sensitive information can be critical to the success of a terrorist or spy, and consequently deadly to Americans.
Be CarefulThere may be times when your spouse cannot talk about the specifics of his or her job. It's very important to conceal and protect certain information such as flight schedules, ship movements, temporary duty (TDY) locations, and installation activities, for example. Something as simple as a phone discussion about where your spouse is deploying, or going TDY, can be very useful to our enemies.
OPSEC IS A FAMILY AFFAIR - DISCUSS OPSEC WITH YOUR FAMILYAll Family Members Are Part Of The Navy's OPSEC Team. They Need To Protect Information To Ensure The Safety Of ALL Our Sailors, Civilians, And Navy Families.You Are A Vital Player In Our Success!As a family member of our military community, you are! a vital player in our success, and we couldn't do our job without your support. You may not know it, but you also play a crucial role in ensuring your loved one's safety.
You can protect your family and friends by protecting what you know of the military's day-to-day operations. That's OPSEC!
Anyone else?
Just a Friendly Reminder:
What is OPSEC?Operations Security, or OPSEC, is keeping potential adversaries from discovering our critical information. As the name suggests, it protects our operations – planned, in progress, and those completed. Success depends on secrecy and surprise, so the military can accomplish the mission faster and with less risk. Our adversaries want our information, and they don't concentrate on only sailors to get it. They want you, the family member.
Protecting Critical InformationEven though information may not be secret, it can be what we call "critical information." Critical information deals with specific facts about military intentions, capabilities, operations or activities. If an adversary knew this detailed information, our mission accomplishment and personnel safety could be jeopardized. It must be protected to ensure an adversary doesn't gain a significant advantage. By being a member of the military family, you will often know some bits of critical information.
Do not discuss them outside of your immediate family and especially not over thetelephone.Examples Of Critical Information• Detailed information about the mission of assigned units.• Details on locations and times of unit deployments.• Personnel transactions that occur in large numbers (Example: pay information, powers of attorney, wills, deployment information).• References to trends in unit morale or personnel problems.• Details concerning security procedures.
Puzzle PiecesThese bits of information may seem insignificant. However, to a trained adversary, they are small pieces of a puzzle that highlight what we're doing and planning. Remember, the elements of security and surprise are vital to the accomplishment of our goals and our collective personnel protection.• Where and how you discuss this information is just as important as with whom you discuss it. Adverse agents tasked with collecting information frequently visit some of the same stores, clubs, recreational areas, or places of worship as you do.• Determined individuals can easily collect data from cordless and cellular phones, and even baby monitors, using inexpensive receivers available from local electronics stores.• If anyone, especially a foreign national, persistently seeks information, notify your military sponsor immediately. He or she will notify the unit OPSEC program manager.
What Can You Do?There are many countries and organizations that would like to harm Americans and degrade our influence in the world. It's possible, and not unprecedented, for spouses and family members of U.S. military personnel to be targeted for intelligence collection. This is true in the United States and especially true overseas! What can you do?Be AlertForeign governments and organizations collect significant amounts of useful information by using spies. A foreign agent may use a variety of approaches to befriend someone and get sensitive information. This sensitive information can be critical to the success of a terrorist or spy, and consequently deadly to Americans.
Be CarefulThere may be times when your spouse cannot talk about the specifics of his or her job. It's very important to conceal and protect certain information such as flight schedules, ship movements, temporary duty (TDY) locations, and installation activities, for example. Something as simple as a phone discussion about where your spouse is deploying, or going TDY, can be very useful to our enemies.
OPSEC IS A FAMILY AFFAIR - DISCUSS OPSEC WITH YOUR FAMILYAll Family Members Are Part Of The Navy's OPSEC Team. They Need To Protect Information To Ensure The Safety Of ALL Our Sailors, Civilians, And Navy Families.You Are A Vital Player In Our Success!As a family member of our military community, you are! a vital player in our success, and we couldn't do our job without your support. You may not know it, but you also play a crucial role in ensuring your loved one's safety.
You can protect your family and friends by protecting what you know of the military's day-to-day operations. That's OPSEC!
Anyone else?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sisterhood of Motherhood
Okay Moms, did you see Oprah on Monday April sixth?!? I must admit I was TOTALLY sucked in! The Co-Authors of I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids and I'd Trade My Husband for a Housekeeper were on discussing the "Secret Lives of Moms" with Oprah. I laughed so hard at some points the PickupMan thought I was losing it! I called all of my girls and told them they must watch or catch it on hulu. If for no other reason to get a good laugh and maybe feel a little better about being a mom. There were some comments that made me go, okay...then some that made me go I'm not that bad! LOL But as moms we all have those moments of "What was I thinking!" I can't wait to get the chance to read the book(s). But from what I watched and heard I believe that this is a book we as moms should share with first time moms! Remember those feelings of WHY did no one tell me this?!?! I think this book would be such a comfort for those moments!
My boys are wonderful but there are certainly days when I wonder if they are human! Thing 2 always knows how to push buttons and I wonder some times if he can say anything other than "Mom can I..." or just plain' ol "MOM!" Thing 1 is headed full on into his pre-teen years! (WHEN did THAT happen?!?) He retreats to his room to do homework then stays there. He ends up reading, playing video games or listening to music. I didn't realize that the whole hibernation(as my mother used to call it) stage would start so soon. He has been outside as of lately because his friends were out and I "gently" suggested he go out several times. I love being a mom! But as someone on the show put it, "IT" is never done! And we always have such high expectations of ourselves that we will never be able to meet! A mother's work is never done right?!?!
Check out the website: Really Good Mom
In the mean time I am off to round up Thing 1 & 2! Have a wonderful evening!
My boys are wonderful but there are certainly days when I wonder if they are human! Thing 2 always knows how to push buttons and I wonder some times if he can say anything other than "Mom can I..." or just plain' ol "MOM!" Thing 1 is headed full on into his pre-teen years! (WHEN did THAT happen?!?) He retreats to his room to do homework then stays there. He ends up reading, playing video games or listening to music. I didn't realize that the whole hibernation(as my mother used to call it) stage would start so soon. He has been outside as of lately because his friends were out and I "gently" suggested he go out several times. I love being a mom! But as someone on the show put it, "IT" is never done! And we always have such high expectations of ourselves that we will never be able to meet! A mother's work is never done right?!?!
Check out the website: Really Good Mom
In the mean time I am off to round up Thing 1 & 2! Have a wonderful evening!
Life Gets In The Way...
Of blogging that is! I must admit I am really enjoying shore duty. I remember being so apprehensive about shore duty. We were on sea duty for 9 years when we finally got the orders for shore duty. I feel as if it was just yesterday that I was telling everyone I was worried about PickupMan and his ability to not be at sea. As a submariner, he is always at work. When he is home he's thinking about what needs to be done on the boat in order to get ready for the next underway. Then when he is out to sea he wonders how things are going at home.
I was told so many times, "He's gonna drive you crazy!" LOL So far I'm not there yet. I am really enjoying having him around. So are Thing 1 & 2! They have spent plenty of time building a fort in the back yard and working on dad's new old truck! I have been down and out a few times and it has been really nice to not have to worry about everything! He has adjusted to the fact that work is not the boat and the "Paperless Navy" does NOT exist! We are however already discussing what comes next. Will be interesting to see where our journey takes us next.
I am really enjoying the time that I now have to blog, read and start to enjoy my "down time" again. I love being a stay at home mom and I love being my husbands wife. However, as of lately I am feeling that need to do something more! I was talking to of my besties the other day. We were discussing how disconnected I feel from other wives/families right now. Her response "Shore duty does that to you, and it should not be that way. Because people believe because you are on shore duty you don't NEED that. But we all need support!" I really stopped to think about that. I felt so connected with our last command. Our FRG was wonderful. If you didn't know everyone you at least knew there names. There is something so great about that; feeling that connection with a room full of women who love and support their husbands and family. A close friend just transferred to where we are and I couldn't be more excited about that. We too had the "Oh No! He's gonna be home!" talk. (We are preparing for wine nights at one house and boys night in the garage at the other house! LOL) Which was followed by talk of the old FRG. I know we are all enjoying shore duty, but it would be nice to see people and "support" each other more than just at command functions.(Which don't happen often!) Back to my point, I am feeling the need for something more, maybe just a little break would help. The pick me ups that I would do if he were deployed/out to sea that I usually do just to re-group! Maybe a day of nothing or a massage...oh that sounds nice!
But in all honesty I am ready for a challenge! I really want to get my photography business up and running. It truly is a passion! There is nothing that makes my heart swell like capturing the moments in life. The BIG huge moments like weddings, births, and homecomings. The small moments no one thinks twice about....the slug making his way to the garden, the spiderweb with rain drops on it. Just talking about it makes me want to get up and run outside to capture a few moments! I think I am going to start looking into the bigger equipment I need to have an in-home studio and be able to take it with to others homes. I LOVE taking pictures of wives for their husbands. (Simple candid shots to a few boudoir or pin-up shots)I have done this for several friends and they have turned out AWESOME! I love the husbands responses too. I know its something that they treasure. Its an amazing thing to watch the wives really open up during a shoot! They will start of kind of timid and then they are laughing and being silly by the end of the shoot(some of the BEST pictures happen then!) Its a GREAT confidence boost for them, a great way to re-group during a deployment and a wonderful pick me up for the hubbies!
Well, for the moment I am off to take care of my housewife duties! While I daydream of being outside taking pictures! Maybe a little 80's music to assist in the cleaning will make it better!!
I was told so many times, "He's gonna drive you crazy!" LOL So far I'm not there yet. I am really enjoying having him around. So are Thing 1 & 2! They have spent plenty of time building a fort in the back yard and working on dad's new old truck! I have been down and out a few times and it has been really nice to not have to worry about everything! He has adjusted to the fact that work is not the boat and the "Paperless Navy" does NOT exist! We are however already discussing what comes next. Will be interesting to see where our journey takes us next.
I am really enjoying the time that I now have to blog, read and start to enjoy my "down time" again. I love being a stay at home mom and I love being my husbands wife. However, as of lately I am feeling that need to do something more! I was talking to of my besties the other day. We were discussing how disconnected I feel from other wives/families right now. Her response "Shore duty does that to you, and it should not be that way. Because people believe because you are on shore duty you don't NEED that. But we all need support!" I really stopped to think about that. I felt so connected with our last command. Our FRG was wonderful. If you didn't know everyone you at least knew there names. There is something so great about that; feeling that connection with a room full of women who love and support their husbands and family. A close friend just transferred to where we are and I couldn't be more excited about that. We too had the "Oh No! He's gonna be home!" talk. (We are preparing for wine nights at one house and boys night in the garage at the other house! LOL) Which was followed by talk of the old FRG. I know we are all enjoying shore duty, but it would be nice to see people and "support" each other more than just at command functions.(Which don't happen often!) Back to my point, I am feeling the need for something more, maybe just a little break would help. The pick me ups that I would do if he were deployed/out to sea that I usually do just to re-group! Maybe a day of nothing or a massage...oh that sounds nice!
But in all honesty I am ready for a challenge! I really want to get my photography business up and running. It truly is a passion! There is nothing that makes my heart swell like capturing the moments in life. The BIG huge moments like weddings, births, and homecomings. The small moments no one thinks twice about....the slug making his way to the garden, the spiderweb with rain drops on it. Just talking about it makes me want to get up and run outside to capture a few moments! I think I am going to start looking into the bigger equipment I need to have an in-home studio and be able to take it with to others homes. I LOVE taking pictures of wives for their husbands. (Simple candid shots to a few boudoir or pin-up shots)I have done this for several friends and they have turned out AWESOME! I love the husbands responses too. I know its something that they treasure. Its an amazing thing to watch the wives really open up during a shoot! They will start of kind of timid and then they are laughing and being silly by the end of the shoot(some of the BEST pictures happen then!) Its a GREAT confidence boost for them, a great way to re-group during a deployment and a wonderful pick me up for the hubbies!
Well, for the moment I am off to take care of my housewife duties! While I daydream of being outside taking pictures! Maybe a little 80's music to assist in the cleaning will make it better!!
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